Supernatural Seeker Investigation's Inc.
Paranormal Investigations
Supernatural SEEKERS

You Our Client Are Our #1 Responsibility & Concern!
We Will Be With You Until The Issue Is Gone!
That’s Our Personal Guarantee

Our Products and Services
Our Products and Services
We always come to you. After receiving the completed questionnaire, we schedule our visit...it's usually 2-3 weeks from that time. The questionnaire you complete beforehand prepares us with information for the investigation--the type of activity being experienced, the history of the home and area, etc... Furthermore, whether you have picked up a Ouija Board or been curious about something....those sorts of things are crucial to share as well. The more information we have, the better prepared we will be to help you with the solution you are looking for. Along with the questionnaire we ​will send a few papers of "do's & don't's" and some suggestions you may want to do in the interim that might lessen the activity.
Investigation Day
Investigation Day
You don't have to do a thing, just relax. We do, however, ask that children have alternate plans during the investigation & cleansing, unless there's a specific reason. We usually arrive about 7:30 pm--the Investigation normally takes anywhere from 3-4 hours. Firstly, we like to have a tour of the home pointing out areas of activity and then based upon that we set up our equipment. The bulk of our time is spent collecting evidence in various ways. Lastly, we discuss with you our immediate findings and share whether there is a need of a cleansing to be performed that night together with what type of cleansing. After thoroughly reviewing all evidence gathered we will share our findings and provide you with an audio/video CD of the evidence. Your comfort and peace are paramount to us and we will follow up periodically

We take pride in all we do. we value integrity & character. Our investigations are technology-based with state of the art scientific equipment. We also feel it’s crucial to approach each case from a scientific research and practical point of view, eliminating all other explanations for reported activity. Our priority is our clients & their welfare. We are there every step of the way until the the client feels safe and their home is restored to one of peace. We do not charge for our services; however, we do ask that questionnaires are filled out as truthfully & thoroughly as possible. The information given allows us to know what we need in order to efficiently/effectively investigate, be safe, and cleanse the home. We have a strict policy of anonymity- nothing regarding client’s identity will ever be disclosed unless given permission.

​Helping earthbound is spirits cross over is a part of our regiment.​
We invite the clients to participate in the cleansings as they need to take back their home from the activity & entities. We do generally ask, unless there's a specific reason, that children have alternate plans during the investigations & cleansing. There are a lot of instances where they are the target of attacks and we do not want to traumatize them or make them fearful.

- There is 14 years of experience in researching and investigating the paranormal. We are compassionate, caring & most of all, respectful of people & spirits of God. We believe spirits have free will like we do. We also believe they retain the personalities and emotions they had in life. This is something we always try to remember when we investigate - that we are dealing with souls deserving of the same decency and kindness we believe we deserve from others. By using knowledge gleaned from the true scientists of the industry, we are trained and skilled with the methodology of research of the paranormal.


Let Supernatural Seekers Paranormal Investigation empower you to take back your domain & return it into your peaceful loving enviornment once again.
Our Guarantee -
You Our Clients Are Ou​r First Priority! We Will Not Stop Until Your Issue Is Resolved !
All Our Services Are At No Cost
See below for info
Text or, email or call I will do my best to contact you within the hour.

Shonda Lynn Hayton
about 3 month​s ago
In one word - "AMAZING" The ladies brought a sense of peace to the house. The blessing of the house was warming.
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Jill Hayter Jakob recommends Supernatural & Paranormal Investiga​tions & Research In Texas.
August 15 ·
They were very thorough, and proved that the spirits in my house are not evil. I was very satisfied with their service, plus they are heartfelt. Thank you ladies so much. You confirmed what I felt.
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Shonda Lynn Hayton
about 3 month​s ago
In one word - "AMAZING" The ladies brought a sense of peace to the house. The blessing of the house was warming.
Please leave review
Jill Hayter Jakob recommends Supernatural & Paranormal Investiga​tions & Research In Texas.
August 15 ·
They were very thorough, and proved that the spirits in my house are not evil. I was very satisfied with their service, plus they are heartfelt. Thank you ladies so much. You confirmed what I felt.
1 Comment
aI just wanted to say thank you again you kinda saved my life. What i experienced a couple of years ago was dark.After your visitI never experienced anything dark/evil like that again.I sometimes I think back to that momentand remember how grateful I am.Your amazing and Thank you